Thursday, 2 August 2012

samuel bradley

samuel's series was one which really stood out to me at freerange 2012, despite the images being small, especially in comparison to huge prints by some others, they were powerful and perfectly executed.

no cowboys

no cowboys is samuels observation of gun users in the united kingdom today. these shots combined make a compelling series and are beautifully shot. i love the style of the work here and the context is certainly interesting.

rebecca karenza

rebecca karenza's work showcases a style of landscape photography that is not normall to my taste, but i found her images so captivating that i was compelled to take her card. rebecca's work was on show at free range 2012 as part of the bulb exhibition by university of the creative arts farnham.

64 days of sky

"continuation from perceptual horizons - observational study of the sky exploring colour, sublimity and its use to provoke emotions, and ideas of beauty." - rebecca karenza.

rebecca's sky images are both discreet and beautiful, and the simplicity of the photographs was a nice contrast to the surrounding work in the exhibition.

rebecca karenza

dan carroll

dan carroll is another photographer who's work impressed me at free range 2012. dan was part of swansea metropolitan university's exhibition and his series is called;

beauty spots

"beauty spots takes a seemingly direct look at the persistant desire for involvement in areas of pre-ordained natural beauty. landscape has been tamed and subject to cultural modification so as to enable an ordered experience of the natural world. the part-staged scenes allow no identification of place, depicting a universally rehearsed experience and a view onto our relationship with landscape as a commodified leisure." - dan carroll

absolutely awe-inspiring work, these 'portraits' are so clean and the colours incredible. i could stand and look for hours, much like the subjects of the photographs themselves. really amazing series by dan.

mary-anne james

i picked up mary-anne's business card at freerange photo week 2 this year and was enchanted by her series;

okay i'll go back because of you

"'okay i'll go back because of you' took place in cambodia and also vietnam. it is a project on my mother, and her experiences of having to flee from her hometown in cambodia, phnom penh, in order to escape the khmer rouge troops led by extremist cambodian communists during 1970. in 1970 at 13 years old, and still in her school uniform, my mother along with her family had to flee the country to the capital of vietnam, saigon. each day was a fight for survival as they went from a well respected, wealthy family to refugees fleeing for their lives. i wanted to travel back to my mothers homeland so she could show me where our family's journey took them and to experience what she had to leave behind. it was important to me to learn and understand this important chapter of my familys history." - mary-anne james.

a beautiful set of images by mary-anne, and a powerful backstory to accompany them. i love the subtlety and calmness of the work.

y.p.a mentoring 2012

hello! it's been a while since i've updated my blog but i'm hoping to start getting back into the swing of things.
i'm currently taking part in the 2012 ypa mentoring programme, the brief is 'home' and i will be posting my progress here, hopefully culminating in an exhibition in september.

i didn't post anything about my final degree show exhibition in june. the show was called pitch and it was a huge success, special mention to my homegirl elly who won best in show from the british journal of photography.
i saw a lot of wonderful work at freerange 2012 in exhibitions from other universities, and i'm going to post some of my favourites here very soon.

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

my best of instagram

i like instagram because it makes my life look like it was shot by rinko kawauchi
username: hayleylouisebrown ;)

Monday, 2 April 2012


this set of images is more...eerie? very annoyingly i shot 4 rolls of film and out of them this was the best that i could retrieve, i wasn't very happy let me tell you! eventually found out the reason for this, whoever used the camera before me left it on a long exposure setting which i didnt know about. everybody needs a set back in a project as big as this and i'm hoping that this is my main one, definitely can't afford any more disasters. i'm yet to get my feedback on whether this set is salvageable as something i can put towards my SDS work or not. anyway, even if they aren't useable here are the ones i quite like. creepy:

Saturday, 3 March 2012

here's my pick of the third set of images from trips home! has it really only been three? i feel like i spend half my life there. i'm so unproductive! anyway, all of these were taken on ISO 400 film as opposed to the 100 i'd been previously using and i think i'm going back to 100, it was better! it's hard to tell with these because i've edited them to sort them out but they were all really flat and dark, not cool.
anyway, aside from my film issues i think i'm improving as i go along.

Tuesday, 28 February 2012

rinko kawauchi..obviously

very predictable of me now to be looking at rinko kawauchi, i can't help it, they're so beautiful! useful research for photo's of around the home. also my lecturer wants me to perhaps look at photographing my family/relationships a little less literally....i'll give it a go i suppose.
beautiful beautiful images by queen rinko:

Saturday, 25 February 2012

collin lafleche

collin lafleche - right after.
this series has been everywhere recently. i absolutely love it. even though it doesn't relate much to my project i'm still putting it in my research file because theres something about it i can't quite forget.
here's how lafleche himself puts the series into words:

"In late 2006 I met a group of high school seniors on their way towards graduation and struggling with the transition from adolescence into adulthood. I photographed them for the year following as they finished high school, had a last summer together, and went off to college. The resulting images—of teenagers running through the streets, kissing on a front porch, watching fireworks over Manhattan—were candid moments of an anxious, uncertain and occasionally tumultuous time. Having recently grown out of adolescence myself, I took an interest in the banal and everyday aspects of their teenage experience, and in their quest for an identity as they struggled with the loss of adolescent abandon. It is found in amongst the awkward, arbitrary, and disjointed moments of social sparring, sexual exploration, conformity, vulnerability, and rebelliousness that shape and define coming of age. It is a monotony that is always apparent yet never directly addressed, showing itself only in the quiet, in-between moments, the moments that are not spectacular or funny or frightening, the moments when these teens are entirely alone with themselves."

amazing. here's some images for you.